Matthew Pike

Matthew Pike

Aboriginal Affairs Superintendent
Voisey’s Bay – Vale Newfoundland and Labrador

“Vale is very proud of its operations and employees in Voisey’s Bay, many of which are residents of the Lake Melville area. The Central Labrador YMCA will undoubtedly enhance their quality of life when they return home from site on their rotation.  As we transition to underground mining at Voisey’s Bay and our employment numbers continue […]

“Vale is very proud of its operations and employees in Voisey’s Bay, many of which are residents of the Lake Melville area. The Central Labrador YMCA will undoubtedly enhance their quality of life when they return home from site on their rotation.  As we transition to underground mining at Voisey’s Bay and our employment numbers continue to grow, we are hopeful that many from outside the region, may choose central Labrador as their new home. This new facility will certainly help aid in the recruitment and retention of skilled workers for our mine site for many years to come.”