Learn More About the Project
Learn more about the Strengthening Our Communities Campaign, how initial partners have been involved, and get access to important documents outlining the details of the new YMCA.
Extensive public consultations, reviews of current infrastructure, and the growing demand for improved health and wellness in Happy Valley-Goose Bay has emphasized a crucial need for a centre that provides wellness supports.
Recognizing the urgency of this need during a time when the region is seeing significant growth, the Town formed a strategic partnership with the YMCA to satisfy the community’s most basic and vital need—the need to live a life of health and wellness.
In a Facilities Audit completed in 2014 by Sheppard Case, the current facilities were deemed to “have serious life safety deficiencies that should be immediately rectified, (from) failing mechanical and electrical systems, to ongoing maintenance issues typical of aging buildings.”
The new YMCA will ensure that investments in sport, and culture and recreation infrastructure enhance the quality of life of Happy Valley-Goose Bay citizens by meeting the highest priority needs of present and future populations. It will also have an impact on the community in the form of job creation. Construction will provide a boost to the local economy and operations will introduce 35 – 40 part-time and full-time jobs. The new YMCA will also provide the critical benefit of increased access to childcare in the region.
The new YMCA will provide opportunities for people to improve their health and wellness, connect with others, learn new skills, and have fun while finding balance in their lives. These factors have been shown to improve physical and mental health, reduce health care costs, provide positive lifestyle choices for youth-at-risk, and develop improved self-image and community pride.